Churchill Gloves

 We have a new shipment of Churchill Gloves from the States in sizes S to XXL. Deer skin gloves are just sooo soft you will want to wear them around the house. You will be able to purchase via our online shop soon or visit the North Freo garage and get some workshop smell up your nostrils.  Priced from $95 to $115.

July 28, 2013 by Peter Ellery

We are now open...

 We open the store tomorrow. Not sure if we are quite ready but no time like the present, hey.

There are 3 builds happening, a couple of clients bikes waiting for work and we are still putting away the empties from Saturdays party.

The computer had a melt down (as such online shop not complete and newsletter delayed) and stock is arriving. Just another step in the journey.

Putting all that aside everyone is welcome to call in and have a look around and see what goodies we have.

Our shop hours are

wed 10-5,  thurs 10-7.30 and fri 10-5.

From the start of December we open on Saturdays 9-3 with coffee and cakes on supply. Will keep you posted.

Churchill gloves have arrived from the US. We have them in three colours and three sizes.


Also check out the Kroops goggles.

November 13, 2012 by Peter Ellery